Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive my order?
In-stock products typically ship within 2 business days after you submit your order. Delivery time will depend upon product availability and selected shipping method. If your order contains products that are not "Ready to Ship", please allow 1-2 weeks for all items to become ready before we ship. To get "Ready-to-Ship" items faster, place a separate order for them without any "Special Order" items in your order.

The store is occasionally out-of-stock on popular items. It may take between 1-4 weeks for a product on back-order to be shipped to you. You will receive an e-mail notification upon shipment.

How much is shipping and handling for my order? Shipping and handling charges are calculated based upon your order total. Your shipping charges will be indicated when your order is placed. In your shopping cart calculate the charges by selecting the destination and level of service. We use FedEx to ship all USA and international orders, including Canada. (International order shipping amounts will vary greatly depending upon the selected destination.)

The recipient is responsible for the payment of Customs duties to the courier on or before delivery. Orders returned or refused at International delivery addresses will not be refunded. Deliveries shipped to Enovation Controls Offices is free.

Can products be shipped to PO Boxes/APO/FPO addresses?
We do not currently ship to P.O. Boxes.

Can I return items if I do not want or need them?
Products that have not been used and are in new condition may be returned for a refund within 30 days of the product shipment.

Will I be charged tax on my order?
All taxes, where applicable, are included in the price of the item.

How will I know my items are available?
Occasionally, an item you wish to order may be temporarily out of stock or there may be fewer than you need. We do our best to ensure this happens as infrequently as possible, but it is impossible to completely prevent this from happening from time to time. Although inventory is monitored daily and re-orders are usually placed well in advance, there are many factors—too numerous to mention here—that can lead to an item being out of stock at a time that might be inconvenient to you. You can help minimize inconvenience for everyone when you:

  1. Order as far in advance of your in-hand date as possible
  2. Warn us in advance if you plan on depleting all the inventory of a specific item.
  3. Let us know if you have an upcoming need which cannot be met by the existing inventory quantity.
  4. Chose an alternate item in case the one you want is out of stock.

Finally, if you really need something and there is no stock, please contact us via email. It’s always possible that the quantities you need are already in production or close to being delivered.

How do I change my email or addresses?
If you would like to update or correct your e-mail address, please contact us using our contact form. To update stored shipping or billing information, please do so by accessing your account information from the main navigation bar. In addition, when you purchase from us through our website, we may need to contact you via telephone, facsimile, e-mail or mail to review questions or issues specific to your order, or to notify you of product availability, special offers, review requests, and other communications, even if you have opted to not receive communications from us. We may make use of “auto-responders” and other technologies to automatically contact you.

Can I pay for my order via invoice?
No. The Enovation Controls Supply merchandise store accepts: Major Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover) and Enovation Controls Supply Store Credit. We are unable to accept checks, cash, or bank transfers.

Can I place an order via telephone or e-mail? We ask and encourage you to place your order online, however, you can contact our store customer service at for assistance with your orders.

Can I make changes to my order? You may contact our store customer service at to determine if your order can be changed prior to order processing and shipment.

Can I cancel my order? Order processing begins after you click on the submit button therefore it may not be possible to cancel your order. Please contact our store customer service at